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Editorial Mission

To break through publishing barriers by providing high-quality, deadline-oriented editing that gives authors a competitive edge

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I offer a free, no-obligation sample edit—so contact me today!

Personal note to indie authors: I particularly enjoy working with indie authors, and I believe the self-publishing marketplace is exploding and a fantastic opportunity for talented writers to distinguish themselves. But the only way they’ll really break out is with top-notch editing.


Writing is highly personal. For me, editing is equally so. It’s my goal to develop a relationship with you and your manuscript. I’ll champion your book and treat your writing with the intensity and care it deserves. That's why I formed Breakout Editing—to support authors pursuing excellence.


Like you, I wrote a book (a short novel), and I hired a content editor, copyeditor, and proofreader—and was so pleased with the results (Dori's author website). I believe well-edited manuscripts catapult writers to a higher level of professionalism and declare to your readers that you intend to give them the best possible reading experience. As a reader and editor, it means a great deal to me that you aspire to publish a superior product.


As a bonus, Breakout Editing packages include blurb editing as a courtesy. Who knows—you could be the next Breakout author! Contact me with any questions.


freelance editor's bookshelf

A few of the writing books in Dori's personal library.

The Breakout Editing website was edited using the Associated Press Stylebook but contains a few notable Chicago Manual of Style exceptions: Copyediting was not hyphenated, book titles (even reference books) were italicized and headlines were capitalized per the author's style. However, no serial commas were used. Sometimes, you need to break out of the editing box!

Copyright ©2024. No part of this website may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever.

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