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Dori will write any length of text (except book length).



-Turnaround Time: from hours to a few days, depending on client requirements and deadlines


A multiple-award-winning writer, Dori writes relevant articles, blog posts and online content for websites and print publications.


Put Dori’s years as a journalist to use! She served as a business writer for much of her newspaper career but also covered agriculture, politics and education. As a freelance writer, she's been published in national and local publications. Utilize her writing skills for articles, blogs and web content.


Testimonialwebsite content writing: I have worked with Dori on a few of my projects and have had a positive experience! Not only is she great at what she does, but she works with integrity. She has been very helpful and a pleasure to work with. I definitely recommend her for any of your writing needs!

—Morgan Stiles, Yakima Valley Marketing


Good-faith deposit: Once a project is confirmed between Dori and the client, at least one-half of the projected price (as a show of good faith) will be required before begins the writing project. The balance will be required upon completion. If you have questions or would like to work out another option with Dori, just ask.


PPayment: Dori accepts Zelle, PayPal, checks, or money orders. Author is responsible for fees. All funds must be in US dollars. Once payment has been confirmed, editing will begin on the agreed-upon start date.

Billing: A PDF or email invoice will be emailed to the client at the start and completion of the editing.

Breakout practices consistent, clear communication with its clients and informs them when editing begins and when it's near completion. Dori is committed to her turnaround times.


Style Manuals

For blogs, websites, pamphlets, brochures, etc., Dori recommends the Associated Press Stylebook and the Webster's New World dictionary. Shorter works typically need a more abbreviated style. As a former full-time journalist, Dori is acutely aware of AP style. But she still prefers to italicize book titles.


For book-length fiction and most nonfiction, as well as essays and short stories, Dori recommends the Chicago Manual of Style, 16th edition, and the Merriam-Webster dictionary. These style guides are industry standards and Dori is well-versed in both. She's the type who instantly recognizes the difference between an en dash and an em dash and between past tense and past perfect tense.


The Breakout Editing website was edited using the Associated Press Stylebook but contains a few notable Chicago Manual of Style exceptions: Copyediting was not hyphenated, book titles (even reference books) were italicized and headlines were capitalized per the author's style. However, no serial commas were used. Sometimes, you need to break out of the editing box!

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