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Nonfiction Copyediting Package

$.035 copyedit and proofread (two editing rounds)

$.025 per word for copyedit only

Dori is an experienced, detailed, and thorough copyeditor. After talking with an author, Dori will proceed to a free, no-obligation sample edit and critique of 5 manuscript pages. Sample edits will be returned in 24–48 hours. (Dori copyedits more than 10 nonfiction manuscripts annually.)


Copyediting Package$.035 per word for a copyedit and a proofread.

$.025 per word for a copyedit only.

-Includes a double-check step
-Turnaround time: 10 to 40 business days, depending on length and amount of corrections needed


Nonfiction copyediting targets the technical aspects of a manuscript—sentence structure, syntax, spelling, grammar and punctuation, among others. It keeps the big picture in mind while looking out for any inconsistencies. Dori is an experienced and skilled nonfiction and memoir copyeditor. All suggestions are made and tracked using the Microsoft Word Track Changes feature.


The Copyediting Package includes (but is not limited to):


  • correcting spelling, grammar, punctuation, hyphenation, repetition, syntax and word usage while preserving the meaning and voice of the text

  • correcting em dashes and ellipses (they each have specific guidelines for use)

  • correcting numbers (spelling out or using numerals)

  • inserting en dashes where needed (en dashes are used much more in nonfiction than fiction.)

  • checking for a consistent style and format   

  • reading for overall clarity and sense

  • checking for smooth transitions and chapter-ending cliff- hangers (when appropriate)

  • cross-checking references, art, figures, tables, equations and other features for consistency with their mentions in the text


The Copyediting and Proofreading Package ($4.50 per 250 words) is a three-step process:

  1. Dori copyedits and returns the manuscript with her recommendations; the author makes revisions and emails the revised manuscript to the editor.

  2. Dori proofreads the manuscript and emails it to the author. The author looks over the document and returns it to Dori.

  3. Dori then double-checks the entire manuscript, including reading word for word any new revisions. This double-check process distinguishes Breakout services.


The Copyediting Package ($3.00 per 250 words) is a two-step process:

  1. Dori copyedits and returns the manuscript with her recommendations. The author revises and emails the revised manuscript to the editor.

  2. Dori then double-checks the entire document, including reading word for word any new revisions. This double-check process distinguishes Breakout services.


Breakout Editing recommends the Copyediting Package for authors readying a manuscript (or partial manuscript) for publication or submission to an agent or publisher. It's also a wise option for those who need a fresh pair of eyes before a rewrite. Dori will edit any length of text.


Anchor 3
Anchor 4

Book a Copyediting, Content Editing or Proofreading package and Dori will edit your book blurb (or blurbs) as a courtesy. With content edits, she also provides courtesy edits for your book synopsis and your query to agents or publishers (if you're trying to publish traditionally).

Free Blurb Editing

Good-faith deposit: Once a project is confirmed between Dori and the client, at least half the funds (as a show of good faith) will be required before the official start date. For a copyedit, the balance will be due a day or two before the manuscript is returned to the author. If you have questions or would like to work out another option with Dori, just ask.

Payment: Dori accepts Zelle, PayPal, checks, or money orders. Author is responsible for fees. All funds must be in US dollars. Once payment has been confirmed, editing will begin on the agreed-upon start date.


Billing: a PDF or email invoice will be emailed to the client at the start and completion of the editing.

Breakout practices consistent, clear communication with its clients and informs them when editing begins and when it's near completion. Dori is committed to her turnaround times.



For book-length fiction and most nonfiction, as well as essays and short stories, Dori recommends the Chicago Manual of Style, 16th edition, and the Merriam-Webster dictionary. These style guides are industry standards and Dori is well-versed in both. She's the type who instantly recognizes the difference between an en dash and an em dash and between past tense and past perfect tense.


For blogs, websites, pamphlets, brochures, etc., Dori recommends the Associated Press Stylebook and the Webster's New World dictionary. Shorter works typically need a more abbreviated style. As a former full-time journalist, Dori is acutely aware of AP style. But she still prefers to italicize book titles.


Style Manuals
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